Category: General

Holiday Night of Lights

Book your ticket to participate in a Drive-Thru, contactless HOLIDAY NIGHT OF LIGHTS!  Immaculate Conception School has Sunday, December 6th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm reserved for our school community.  Use Code:  ICCE2020 to open our block of tickets and receive 15% off the regular ticket price!  Best of all, 10% of all sales are donated back to our school.  Share this code with family ... Continue reading "Holiday Night of Lights"

Welcome to Kindergarten!

To our new Kindergarten families, please visit our Full Day Kindergarten website link to find any information you will need regarding Welcome to Kindergarten.  We look forward to beginning this journey with your child in Catholic education.

ICN April 2020 Newsletter

Please take some time to review our April newsletter as it contains important information about Distance Learning and the names of our March Virtue Recipients.  To access the Newsletter please go to “Our School” and select “News” from the dropdown menu and click on the Newsletter tab.