Maria Marchese Christmas Message
Please see the attached Christmas Message from Maria Marchese, Vice Chair and Trustee.
Please see the attached Christmas Message from Maria Marchese, Vice Chair and Trustee.
Please take some time to review our December newsletter as it contains important information and dates for the month of December. To access the Newsletter please go to “Our School” and select “News” from the dropdown menu and click on the Newsletter tab.
Tomorrow (Monday, December 2nd) we kick off December by wrapping up and taking on climate change – wear warm clothing (uniform pants required)
Please see the attached letter for information about Inclement Weather procedures.
Our orders are in and our fresh produce is on its way to ICN! Fresh from the Farm orders can be picked up on Thursday, December 5 from 8 am to 6 pm, in the school foyer. All money raised will help support our weekly healthy snacks and our You’re the Chef afterschool program.
Thank you to all who supported this CSC initiative! Poinsettia plants will be available for pickup in the school foyer on Thursday, December 5 from 3:30-6:00 pm or Friday, December 6 from 6:00-8:00 pm, in the school foyer