
News Stories

Code Mobile and STREAM

On Monday, March 2nd, we welcome  Code Mobile to the school. Our grades 3/4 , 4, 5 and 6 classes will each be taking part in a FREE 75 minute session entitled “Gamemaking with Scratch”.

Throughout the session, students will create a simple video game using Scratch that will teach them the basics of coding and computational thinking.

  ... Continue reading "Code Mobile and STREAM"

Duane Gibson Performance

On Friday, March 6th we welcome Duane Gibson and his “Stay Driven” performance to our school. Duane is a Guinness World Record setting rapper and University graduate that has been inspiring hundreds of thousands of youth since 2001. Duane will be sharing stories of Black Canadian History and will share with students ways to “Stay Driven” and remind them that “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down.” ... Continue reading "Duane Gibson Performance"

ICN March 2020 Newsletter

Please take some time to review our March newsletter as it contains important information and dates for the month of March.  To access the Newsletter please go to “Our School” and select “News” from the dropdown menu and click on the Newsletter tab.

ICN February 2020 Newsletter

Please take some time to review our February newsletter as it contains important information and dates for the month of February.  To access the Newsletter please go to “Our School” and select “News” from the dropdown menu and click on the Newsletter tab.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Please join us, as we begin our Lenten journey, for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy, on Wednesday, February 26th at 9:15 a.m. in the gym. All parents are welcome to attend. Thank you to the grade 6 classes and their teachers for leading us in prayer.