Category: General

Terry Fox Walk

All ICN students and staff will be taking part in the Terry Fox Walk on Thursday, September 22nd.  We are asking students to donate a Toonie.  If you would like to purchase a Terry Fox t-shirt (all money will go towards Terry Fox’s cancer research), please return the order form by Wednesday, September 14th.


Welcome Back!!

Welcome Back to a new school year!  Stay up to date on what is happening at ICN by reading our Weekly Updates!  Weekly Updates can be found under the “Newsletter” tab.

Sharelife Week

During the week of April 4 to April 8, Immaculate Conception will focus our efforts on raising money for ShareLife.  Our Civvies Days, thus far, have raised $1300 for Sharelife.  We hope by the end of Sharelife Week that we will have $2000 to donate on behalf of our school community.  Please see the Sharelife POSTER for daily activities.

April is Autism Awareness Month

April is World Autism Month, at Immaculate Conception, educational activities will take place throughout the month of April to increase understanding and acceptance and foster school-wide support.

Pizza Days

 Please see the updated list of Pizza Dates:

February 16, 23  

March 2, 9, 23, 30   

April 6, 13, 20, 27  

May 4, 11

Subway and Swiss Chalet Lunch

The CSC is pleased to announce that our hot lunch program will begin again!  Online orders for Subway (Tuesdays) and Swiss Chalet (Thursdays) are now open.   You may order weekly; however Sunday, by noon is the deadline to order for the week.  Please see Lunchbox Orders Online for information and instructions on how to place your orders.