Category: General

First Day of School Routines and COVID Safety Measures

Dear Parents,

On Thursday, September 2nd, this letter was emailed to the ICN community.  It is posted on our website for your reference.  Please take the time to review it, as it contains important information about the first day of school (Wednesday, September 8) and the COVID safety protocols in place at the school.

We look forward to welcoming our students ... Continue reading "First Day of School Routines and COVID Safety Measures"

Welcome Back to School!!

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year.  We continue to work with the Ministry of Education and York Region Public Health, to ensure a safe return to school.  Please visit to view the school re-entry plan.  Please note that September 7, 2021 is a PA Day.  The first day of school is Wednesday, September 8th.  We thank all parents, guardians and students ... Continue reading "Welcome Back to School!!"

ICN June 2021 Newsletter

The June Newsletter has been posted! Please take the time to read through it as it contains important information highlighting some important events. To view the June Newsletter, click on the link below or under the “Our School” tab, click on “News” and then click on “Newsletters”

Mental Health Presentations

On Tuesday, May 4th gr. 3-5 (9:15 am) and gr. 6-8 (10:45 am) students will participate in YouthSpeak virtual presentations. Presenters will share personal stories to promote mental health, well-being, empathy and hope, and share coping strategies students can use, in times of stress and anxiety.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Every year, the first week of May is Children’s Mental Health Week. It is a week where we draw attention to the mental health issues that children and youth face, raise awareness of these issues, decrease stigma and provide an understanding of the help that is available. This year, through Distance Learning, we continue to focus on the mental health of our students and families. ... Continue reading "Children’s Mental Health Week"