Thanksgiving Food Drive is Support of the Vaughan Food Bank

The annual Thanksgiving Food Drive is back at Immaculate Conception CES. It is during moments of crisis and despair that as a community of faith, we come together to show kindness, care and solidarity. Currently there are more families than ever before in need of the Vaughan Food Bank’s services.  In order to support local families in need, we must come together and help our neighbours.

Beginning on Tuesday September 26th, 2023, families are asked to kindly bring in non-perishable foods like canned goods (eg. corn, peas, beans, vegetables, canned fruit), pasta, cereals, dried beans and rice.  Please send items with your child as the Luke 4:18 members will be collecting food from your child’s class daily.

There are Vaughan Food Bank bins available in the front foyer.  

Thank you all for your continued support and generosity.