Adopt-A-Family Christmas Campaign

The ICN Catholic School Council along with the Luke 4:18 committee has launched the Christmas campaign.  This year we are sponsoring 16 families in our community (each classroom has received a family to sponsor). Your thoughtful gifts will encourage these families to continue to believe in the power of prayer, by modeling how a strong Catholic community, is capable of working together to gift: hope, love and a gentle reminder that those around them care. 

Each class will create gift boxes with varied items. These may include (but are not limited to): toys, clothing (hats, scarves, mittens, gloves), personal hygiene items, grocery gift cards, books, interactive activities/crafts or gift cards. Any donation of one or more items is greatly appreciated.

The campaign will run from Wednesday November 23rd to Monday, December 5th.  All gifts must be new, unwrapped and in their original packaging. If including gift receipts, please attach them with tape to the item. Our CSC Faith Committee members will then deliver all gifts to Immaculate Conception Parish for distribution to the families.