Pizza Days
Please see the updated list of Pizza Dates:
February 16, 23
March 2, 9, 23, 30
April 6, 13, 20, 27
May 4, 11
Please see the updated list of Pizza Dates:
February 16, 23
March 2, 9, 23, 30
April 6, 13, 20, 27
May 4, 11
The CSC is pleased to announce that our hot lunch program will begin again! Online orders for Subway (Tuesdays) and Swiss Chalet (Thursdays) are now open. You may order weekly; however Sunday, by noon is the deadline to order for the week. Please see Lunchbox Orders Online for information and instructions on how to place your orders.
The students and staff will be participating in Winter Carnival during the week of February 21st to 25th. During part of the morning on Thursday, February 24th, all students will participate in our very own ICN Winter Olympics! Please see the attached FLYER for Carnival details!